First art exhibition collaborated with fellow industrial designers Hux & Luke. We look at traditional culture as in constant states of evolution how these are some of those objects that have a modern narrative about whakapapa.
First art exhibition collaborated with fellow industrial designers Hux & Luke. We look at traditional culture as in constant states of evolution how these are some of those objects that have a modern narrative about whakapapa.
Personal Works//
NOHO stools & BLAC LAB clothing.
NOHO stool etching pattern was designed by David Hakaraia sewn by Sara Bristow. BLAC LAB jerseys were jointly designed by Sara & I. BLAC LAB coat hangers will also be available along with projects being developed that utilize the rope aesthetic.
NOHO stools & BLAC LAB clothing.
NOHO stool etching pattern was designed by David Hakaraia sewn by Sara Bristow. BLAC LAB jerseys were jointly designed by Sara & I. BLAC LAB coat hangers will also be available along with projects being developed that utilize the rope aesthetic.